
Showing posts from November, 2008

Flex embed an image as a Class

// Embed the image once and refer to the Class [Bindable] [Embed(source="../assets/images/myImageFile.png")] public var myImage:Class; This is helpful if you're using the same image in several places, this way you only have to embed it once, and if you change the image file name you only have to change it in one place. You can also create a Class that holds all the images and you can get an instance of that Class to refer to your images. For example: package com.view {  import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;  [Bindable]  public class AssetImporter  {   private static var instance : AssetImporter;   //return singleton instance of AssetImporter   public static function getInstance() : AssetImporter  &nbsp{    if (instance == null)    instance = new AssetImporter();    return instance;   }   //put your images here   //One   [Embed(source="/assets/images/myImages.swf#one")]   public var imgOne:Class;   //Two   [Embed(source="/assets/images/two.png")

Flex 3 AdvancedDataGrid dataTipFunction mess

Well Flex 3 with it's fancy AdvancedDataGrids is proving to be a little more than frustrating. All I wanted to do was show a dataTip on a hover on the datagrid row. It took me hours of research to figure out that there is a "bug": So if you have an Advanced Data Grid and you want to show a custom data tip on hover of a row this is basically how you should do it. private function testTip(item:Object):String {  if (item is AdvancedDataGridColumn)   return "This is a header tip"  else   return "This is a data tip"; } OH yes... that's right. It calls this beauty twice. If you don't have the if statement it will error out and your ap won't run. Sweet eh? <mx:AdvancedDataGrid  id="mainADG"  width="100%" height="100%"   dataTipFunction="testTip" > [...]  <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn   dataField="Name"   headerText="Name"   itemRenderer

embed an image

...also of note... a Flex embed statement in css looks like this upSkin: Embed("images/buttonUp.png"); a Flex embed statement inline looks like this icon="@Embed('images/add.png')"

a chart gutter

Note to self... you've seen this before, stop forgetting it... The area around a Flex chart where the axis lives is called the "gutter". There are 4 properties that control this: gutterLeft gutterRight gutterTop gutterBottom Here is an example using chart gutters.