I was having this problem with my Advanced Data Grid. Every time the data refreshed the whole thing collapsed, which isn't a good thing when users have drilled down 3 levels. I know this is probably a bad way of doing this, but it is the only way I could get to work. All the examples I've seen of this say to just assign the saved openNodes Object to the openNodes property, like this... myOpenNodes = new Object(); myOpenNodes = IHierarchicalCollectionView(myADG.dataProvider).openNodes //refresh here IHierarchicalCollectionView(myADG.dataProvider).openNodes = myOpenNodes; but that doesn't work!! Here is what I did: On the refresh method set the following variables (these variables need to be accessible from all methods inside the component, so put them in your model or make them global, whatever). These variables hold the state of the ADG before the refresh. //Object holding all currently open nodes myOpenNodes = new Object(); myOpenNodes = IHierarchicalCollectionView(myADG.d...