
Showing posts with the label events

Flex Image Map

I thought since I mentioned it way back when in a tweet, I should post the code for my selectable map component. I thought this was going to be super tough, but once I found the ImageMap component in flexlib it wasn't bad at all. Here is the example with view source enabled. This example also shows how to create a custom event, which I also mentioned in a previous post .

Flex adding an event to call to the parent

So I always have this problem where I'll have a component inside a component, and the parent component needs to do something based on some sort of trigger from the inside component. Using Parent or Application is a big no no, or so my Architect friend tells me ;). They way to do this is create an Event on the inside component. This is pretty easy to do, but I always seem to miss a step and get all frustrated and not understand why it's not working. And in these hot lazy days of summer, it's really not a good motivator. :D So here are the steps so I can look this up if I forget. I am just going to use a button click as an example, if you need something more intense you'll need to make a custom event. So... ComponentB is inside ComponentA. In the actionscript of ComponentB do: Just below the imports - [Event (name="myEvent", type="")] Create a function that dispatches that event: protected function myFunction():void { dispatchEven

Flex TabNavigator - tab click event?

So there doesn't seem to be any item click or tab click event on the tab navigator in Flex. I find this sort of annoying, I mean surely this would be useful and should be included? When searching all I could find was people saying to either use the change event on the tab navigator, (which didn't help me because I wanted my method to run even if you clicked on the currently selected tab) or to use a tab bar instead (which also didn't help me because I am using the SuperTabNavigator from flexlib). What I am doing is basically maximizing the tab when it is clicked, and minimizing it if it is clicked again. I found a solution. (post by stburns). You basically get the tab's button. It sounds weird, here's the code to how it works. private function creationComplete():void { for (var i:int=0; i<myTabNav.getChildren().length; i++) { var tab:Button = myTabNav.getTabAt(i);